Abstract: There is much research left to do in the study of the features of psi experiences. This includes assessing the incidence and range of particular features such as the theme and symbolism of ESP experiences as well as studying features of neglec ted phenomena such as auras and non-recurrent PK effects. In addition, I discuss ways in which interrelationships between the features can be examined. This includes examining the relationship between (I) dreams (mode of experience) and precognitive exp eriences (ii) the topic of ESP and the amount of detail in the experience, and (iii) the relationship of veridical elements to the rest of the components of the experiences. Finally, the possible effects that factors such as psychological variables, mode s of induction and specific features of the experiences themselves may have on the content of the experience is considered. It is argued that attention to the features of parapsychological experiences will (i) give us a better descriptive sense of psi experiences, (ii) help us to empirically assess claims from folklore and experiential traditions, (iii) increase our understanding of the relationship of particular features and variables with the experience's content, (iv) allow us to develop theoretical models and predictions, (v) help us to address issues such as the possibility that we may be dealing with different phenomena even if surface similarities exist, and (vi) be important for the issue of a differential diagnosis between ESP and delusional experiences.