
The experiment consists of two parts, which we call part A and part B. In part A the prerecorded samples are just stored and never fed back to the subject. In Part B these prerecorded samples are stored and later played back to the subject as part C of the experiment. Part A has 18 runs from which 12 are experimental and 6 are control runs. During experimental runs the subject sees an arrow on the screen indicating a target direction. Part B consists of 12 runs from which 8 are experimental and 4 are controls. The target directions in the experimental runs are counterbalanced thus resulting in a total of 14 run pairs with one left and one right target direction.

Part A
RunPairno.TargetRunlength (sec)Frequency (Hz)Display-memory
control 3 1000 short
2 1 left 3 1000 long
3 1 right 3 1000 short
control 3 100 long
5 2 right 3 100 long
6 2 left 3 100 short
control 12 1000 short
8 3 left 12 1000 long
9 3 right 12 1000 short
control 12 100 long
11 4 right 12 100 long
12 4 left 12 100 short
control 6 1000 short
14 5 left 6 1000 long
15 5 right 6 1000 short
control 6 100 long
17 6 right 6 100 long
18 6 left 6 100 short

Part B
RunPairno.TargetRunlength (sec)Frequency (Hz)Display-memory
control 4 100 long
2 7 left 4 100 short
3 7 right 4 100 long
control 4 1000 short
5 8 right 4 1000 short
6 8 left 4 1000 long
control 9 100 short
8 9 left 9 100 short
9 9 right 9100 long
control 9 1000 long
11 10 right 9 1000 short
12 10 left 9 1000 long