Iceland Quake

On June 17, 2000, an earthquake in Iceland shook buildings and damaged roads. It was about 6.5 Richter magnitude, and was widely felt. Robert Pucher apprised me of the quake, about which he had heard from his girlfriend.

Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 19:23:38 +0200
From: pucher 
To: rdnelson 
Subject: Earth quake in island

Hi Roger!

Maybe you noticed the strong earth quake a couple of days ago in island.
My girlfriend presently is working in Reykjavik. She informed me that on
that day there was a national holiday in island. Most persons have spent
their time not inside their houses. If they had been inside, people
would have been harmed seriously. What a interesting combination!


The figure shows a different parameter than we usually examine, namely the cumulative deviation of the variance across the 30 eggs reporting at this time. During the half-hour preceding the quake the variability among the eggs was much less than expected, and in the half hour afterward, much greater than expected. The tendency is extremely consistent, and is marginally significant in both halves of the figure.

Quake in Iceland

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